IRS Problems

Tax Service — Texarkana, TX — Selph & Friday CPA

If you've been contacted by the IRS, let us help.

We're more than happy to help you navigate your letters from the IRS. These letters can be tricky to understand, but we've got over 35 years of experience. We offer a no cost consultation to discuss options such as payment and collection agreements, and IRS audit support. We’ll also work directly with you and work towards a resolution.

We’ve worked through these issuesover 35 years, so you know you’re in good hands when you work with Selph & Friday CPA.

We'll also assist your through an audit. We’ll look at the IRS document request and determine a course of action. When you come in, we’ll sit down and go through you're information and answer your questions.

If you or a family member have tax issues, we would like to help you.

We don’t judge people with tax problems.

We understand that things happen along the way that can create noncompliance with the taxing authorities. 

IRS Issues We Will Help You With

Since 1986 we have represented taxpayers with the following issues:

IRS Audits

Clearly, the most dreaded words in all of tax filing but it doesn’t have to be something you fear. With your authorization we will handle all contact with The IRS. Tax audits are rare. We can represent you whether you have a face-to-face meeting with revenue agent or a correspondence audit. If the auditor’s findings aren’t reasonable, we will file an appeal on your behalf to get a hearing with an appeal’s officer.


We aren’t attorneys, and can’t file bankruptcy for you. However, we can identify situations where you may qualify to discharge your federal income tax debt. We can furnish the bankruptcy attorney of your choosing the IRS transcripts, and they can determine if you qualify to discharge your federal income tax debts.     

Collection Due Process Hearing Request

If you receive final notice with intent to levy the (so-called 30-day letter) you can file a CDP request to appeal the collection action and seek a collection alternative. This could involve an installment agreement or even non collect status. Non collect status means you have no ability to pay and the levy wouldn’t be enforced. The 30 day letter should not be ignored. It is much simpler to file for a collection appeal than get a levy released.

Collection Statute Issues

Debts to the Internal Revenue Service generally don’t last forever. The amount due often expires after a certain date. This is generally 10 years after assessment. If you haven’t taken any action that tolls the statue, and the debt is over 10 years old, we can determine (with your authorization) if it has expired or get a date that the debt will expire. 

First Time Penalty Abatement

A less formal and easier way to get penalties abated. If you have been in compliance with your tax filings for 3 years you may qualify. Failure to file, failure to pay, and failure to deposit penalties are eligible for abatement. We can determine your eligibility and make the request for you with your authorization.

Identity Theft

If your identity has been stolen and you can’t file your tax return electronically, we can file the necessary IRS forms and get your identity restored with the IRS. The entire process is time consuming and can take up to 6 months. The IRS will issue an IP pin number every  year and you can resume filing your tax return electronically with that number.

Injured Spouse

You can make an injured spouse claim if you file a joint return and all or part of the refund is applied against a separate debt that belongs just to your spouse. If you qualify, you will receive your part of the refund attributable to your income and withholding.

Innocent Spouse

You may qualify for innocent spouse relief if you filed a joint return with your spouse and owe taxes because of your spouse’s unreported income or overstated deductions you weren’t aware of. If you qualify, we will file the necessary paperwork with IRS for a determination.

IRS Levy

A levy is a legal seizure of your property to satisfy a tax debt. There are one-time levies and continuous levies. A bank levy is a one-time levy. It only seizes the bank balance the day of the levy while wage levies are continuous and enforced every payday. There are many twists and turns to an IRS levy as the bank seizes the funds in the account the day of the levy but doesn’t send the funds to IRS for 21 days. While it is very  difficult to get a bank levy released, it can be done. Proof of an economic hardship for the taxpayer is one of the ways to get it released. A wage levy is calculated from a chart based on your number of dependents. There are plenty of alternatives to a levy if we are involved before it reaches the actual levy stage. 

IRS Levy on Social Security Benefits

Yes, the IRS can and will levy your social security benefits. The levy amount is 15% of gross social security benefits before medicare or federal income tax withholdings.

There are plenty of collection alternatives to pursue before you reach this point. Don’t ignore the IRS collections. Review all your options before this happens.

IRS Liens

A lien is a legal claim against your property to secure payment of your tax debt. It is filed at the county courthouse and becomes public record. You will then be deluged with mail from tax resolution companies wanting to represent you. While there are many Issues with federal tax liens one of the most common is a self-releasing lien.  When the lien is filed, there will be a column that indicates the last day for re-filing the lien. This is the day the lien expires, but the IRS will take no action to release it. We can obtain a manual lien release from the IRS for you to file at the courthouse and send to the credit bureaus. This will prevent the lien from showing up on your credit report.

IRS Offer in Compromise

If you qualify you can settle your tax debt for less than the amount owed. We can determine if you qualify, complete the IRS paperwork, and file the offer. Selph and Friday has settled tax debt for two taxpayers for $1. Your financial situation determines if you qualify and the dollar amount of the offer.

Power Of Attorney IRS Form 2848

This is the form you sign to authorize us to talk to the IRS on your behalf. It only authorizes us for tax matters. With this authorization we will talk to the IRS on your  behalf. We will gather information and determine a course of action for your tax Issues.

Penalty Abatement

If you have penalties with the IRS and have reasonable cause as defined by IRS, you could qualify to have them abated. We will review your situation. If you have reasonable cause, we will prepare a penalty abatement request And file it with IRS. 

Substitute For Returns

If you don’t file your federal income tax returns, the IRS will take your income information and file a return for you. This is called a Substitute for Return by IRS.

These returns often omit dependents, business expenses, and other items that are favorable to the taxpayer. We can file an original return and submit it to the SFR unit to get the filing corrected.

Unifiled Income Tax Returns

If you haven’t filed in a while, we can get the information to bring your income tax filings current. With your authorization we will contact IRS on your behalf. Yes, we can get them on the phone. We will obtain IRS transcripts and determine how long it’s been since you filed, get your wage and income transcripts, and suggest a course of action to resolve the issues.

How do you get started on solving your tax issues?

We would like to meet with you and get a signed 2848 Power of Attorney. At that point we would contact the IRS for you and get all the facts including transcripts.

After reviewing all the information, we will tell you what needs to be done.

This should take one to two hours depending on the complexity of the issues.

Let Us Help You With IRS Issues

Contact from the Internal Revenue Service is stressful and complicated to most... but not to us.

If you find yourself in this situation, Selph & Friday CPA of Texarkana is here to help.

Call us today at 903-792-0281, and let us deal with the IRS for you.

Providing Professional Tax Services to Texarkana, TX

At Selph & Friday CPA, we take pride in the fact that we have over 35 years of experience. This knowledge and skill-set adds value to the services you receive. We’re also proud to be a small Texarkana business that's friendly with our clients. As our customers, you are very important to us.

Call us today at 903-792-0281 to set up an appointment to complete your taxes or discuss any IRS problems you may be experiencing.

We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at 903-792-0281.

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